With Chamber recognizing those that give back to the community, here are a few more thank you’s and recognitions.
Random acts of Kindness
When I lived in Yakima, I came out of the grocery store and there was a single red rose under my windshield wiper with a note and a piece of candy tied to the stem that read: “This is a random act of kindness, hope it brightened your day.” It sure did brighten my day.
Deborah Justice Cutrell
In 2008, a co-worker of my husband gave him one of her kidneys. He was born with a hereditary kidney disease and both his kidneys failed.
Buffy Halliday
A few thank you’s to people in our lives
Sarah Decker gets paid to be a teacher, but she goes above and beyond. This past month we had all of the seventh-graders in the Timber Museum. To make the experience more rewarding, Sarah developed a Timber Museum Scavenger Hunt where the students chose to be a Lumber Jack, Trapper, Native Girl or Pioneer Woman and then look at the items in the museum to see how they would relate to their character. I saw her many times engage a student with questions to make it thought provoking. It was a delight to have the students here! Well done, Sarah! Linda Offutt
Joe Offutt may be my husband and best friend, but he works hard and I appreciate what he does every day for us. He did not take on the Timber Museum — I did. As a “voluntold” he works alongside of me in keeping the museum exhibits new and exciting and the building well maintained. AND, this year for the first time in a while, the museum will be open every day throughout the winter — thanks in part to his skills in getting people to volunteer. We will only close for Thanksgiving Day and Dec. 20-Jan. 3. I could not do without his tireless ideas and support.
Linda Offutt
Cindy Schrader has been my dear friend for over 18 years, since the day I met her. She taught me about this area, I having come from a life in big cities. She showed me the joy of blackberry picking and spending time out in the forest. She is also the first example I ever experienced close-up of caring deeply about one’s family, friends and neighbors. Cindy has an incredible capacity to love and does so willingly, ready to forgive. My family and I are grateful to be blessed by her presence in our lives.
Thanks for being my friend, Cindy. I know it hasn’t been easy.
Zorina Barker
A thank you to a volunteer
Thanks to Tim Wade for his work with the ambulance corps. Dana Cross