The Forks Elks held installation of new Officers for the coming year and presented special recognition awards Saturday evening at the Lodge.
The incoming President (ER) is Mike Leavitt. Outgoing President (PER) Lynne Barnes named the following people with special recognition awards; Citizen of the year; Lissy Andros, Officer of the year; Mike Leavitt, Special Recognition Awards went to Lois Hunley and Heather Lewis. Elk of the year was awarded to Pat Kain.
Others installed were Leading Knight – Dawn Harris, Loyal Knight – Darel Maxfield, Jr, Lecturing Knight – Peggy Young, Chaplain, Glenn King; Esquire, Chuck Jennings; Treasurer, Dee Iotte; Trustee, Dave Iotte; Inner Guard, Paul Hampton; and Tyler, Marlin Young, Jr.