Scholarship auction applications due by April 15

Folders available at Forks High School

The Quillayute Valley Scholarship Auction Committee is reminding senior class students that QVSA scholarship applications are due in by April 15. Folders will be picked up at the high school at 4 p.m. sharp. 

The QVSA Committee is expressing deep appreciation to the community for another successful scholarship auction. "The amazing community of Forks has kept the auction alive for 48 years. It has grown to be one of the most anticipated social events of the year in Forks. A special thank you to Forks High School for hosting the event this year, also Forks radio station, the many business owners, and the community for their generous donations and overwhelming support of the 2012 scholarship auction..Our goal is to offer an opportunity for the students of our community to further their education. The Senior Class of 2012 was a great group to work with and we look forward to next year."

The auction took in – including cash donations – over $59,520 with 921 items begin auctioned.