Things I learned this week …
So I continue to learn that there are a lot of very nice people from across the country who also think I am selling CBD Gummies …I feel really bad for them …one person was put on an automatic subscription delivery and was trying to get it stopped. I assure you, I am not selling CBD Gummies. I am trying to learn who is using my name and phone number.
I also learned last week who Lizzo is after her story of playing a crystal flute flooded the internet. The flute was a gift to President James Madison (1809-1817.) A French crystal flute designer gave it to Madison to celebrate his second term.
And …I think I learned that I can move on from that story …
I learned that Facebook changed again, and how I see it…why? I ask why .. because I am really not interested in learning about flag football in Tallahassee …but I am seeing it … but, I did learn how to spell Tallahassee …
Things I know ….
I know that my dog and your dog should never ride in the back of a pickup or boat.
On Monday morning I had a local resident very upset by what they witnessed on Mora Road earlier that day.
So this is a special GRIPE!
“A Gripe to the people in a black 4-door pickup who were pulling a boat on Mora Road on Monday morning at about 8:30 a.m. When you passed me, as I was walking, your poor dog fell out of the boat and the dog was tied! You did stop and collect the poor dog, as I yelled … put the dog in the pickup! But …You put the dog back in the boat saying it was okay, it was not okay and what you did was not okay! Also, you dropped a salmon.”
I hope the dog is really okay ….I have learned that some people should not have pets.
Things that are happening …
This week is Hickory Shirt – Heritage Days and because the same people do a lot of stuff will be a subdued celebration with plans for next year being more back to normal.
So the Timber Museum will be offering Free admission on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. through Sunday, Oct. 9, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
On Saturday there will be spinning demonstrations inside the Museum. If you have never been to the Museum or not been in a while go check it out! There are new displays and even …if you are into it, and even if you are not … a Twilight scavenger hunt.
The Harvest Dinner is back on Friday, Oct. 7 after being sidelined by COVID. A fabulous feast will be served from 4:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. at the Congregational Church on Spartan Avenue.
The Little Logger contest will take place on Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. at the Pumpkin display outside the Outfitters/Ace Hardware entrance. First place will get a $25 gift card, and 2nd and third place each will get $10 gift cards. All Little Loggers will get a bag of goodies.
There will also be a Pioneer Logger Award recipient, to be announced.
Christi Baron