Keys to provide health care at Bogachiel Clinic

Kelly Keys grew up in Port Angeles. After returning to school later on in her life, she became an RN and started work at Forks Community Hospital in 2007. While working, she continued her education to become a nurse practitioner in 2011.

Kelly Keys grew up in Port Angeles. After returning to school later on in her life, she  became an RN and started work at Forks Community Hospital in 2007. While working, she continued her education to become a nurse practitioner in 2011.

At about that time, her 2-year-old granddaughter was diagnosed with cancer, and she decided she needed to be near her family. She put her house in Forks on the market and headed south. Luckily, things went well with her granddaughter, and her cancer went in to remission with a good long term prognosis.

Keys started thinking about Forks again. When she met up with Forks Hospital nurses Diane Gaydeski and Debbie Anderson in Las Vegas, they told her about an opening at Bogachiel Clinic. Keys sent her resume and got the job. Her house hadn’t sold yet so moved right back in.

“It feels like I never left,” Keys said.

Keys is taking new patients at the Bogachiel clinic and is there Monday through Friday, available to see patients for health care needs, including but not limited to diabetes, hypertension, women’s health and children’s wellness.

“About a month before I met Diane and Debbie, I was thinking about coming back. Being at the Bogachiel Clinic is just like walking into my home,” Keys said.