Earth Day Cleanups April 22, 2023

Dear Editor,

It was a rainy windy day on the Western Strait beaches. Nevertheless, volunteers signed up online at or showed up at the Clallam Bay Sekiu Visitor Center to register and drop off their bags of marine debris. Twenty two volunteers (from Forks, Sequim, Port Angeles, Sekiu, Clallam Bay and Canada) picked up beaches. Some sorted, categorized, counted and reported marine debris. Members of CoastSavers worked on a large NOAA funded grant to gather plastic marine debris, transport it to a processed and turn it into useable products, gathering marine debris from several sites. All volunteers persevered through rain and more rain to accomplish to get the marine debris off of our beaches.

Nancy Messmer. Communications Committee Clallam Bay Sekiu Lions

Steering Committee. Washington Clean Coast Alliance/CoastSavers

P.S. Earth Day

Yes, another friend to thank.

Brandon Mason of Mason’s Resort, Sekiu, offered free disposal for the last of the ‘not recyclable’ Marine Debris (100+lbs.) from the Western Strait Beach Cleanup. We, the Clallam Bay Sekiu Lions and Chamber of Commerce thank him.

The Earth Day Washington Coastal Cleanup was hosted by the Washington Clean Coast Alliance, aka The event was attended by folks from far and wide and resulted in 1,000’s of pounds of plastic items (e.g. polyrope , nets, buoys, styrofoam, etc.) being removed from our beaches.

Marine Plastics Recycling was made possible by a NOAA Grant and partnership between CoastSavers and Net Your Problem, Ocean Legacy, Sea Grant, Western Washington University and more.

The problem of Marine Plastics needs more work to protect us all. Mechanical Recycling stations for Marine Plastics and more could see the development of a station here in the Olympic Peninsula as another GREEN INDUSTRY.

Roy Morris and Nancy Messmer


P.S. Mark your calendar for the 2023 International Coastal Cleanup scheduled for Saturday, Sep 16th.