Reviewing predictions and predictions ahead and more

Well, once again my predictions did not come true although with an early deadline this week my guess on how much rain falls will still have a chance. If it rains a bunch.

So reviewing my Flying Monkey syndrome virus that compels those afflicted to watch The Wizard of Oz …did not happen although I did watch The Wizard of Oz two times last year, so I may have a slight case of it. The investigation into what happens to packages at Troutdale, OR failed to turn up anything definite although all last year I didn’t have any packages go to Troutdale! Power of the press or just lucky?!

Seahawks to the Superbowl!!!??? Well… they have been fun to watch.

As far as 2024 goes I am going to try once again and say the Seahawks to the Super Bowl. And speaking of football an investigation will happen with regard to the NFL and all the streaming channels. It will be revealed that they conspired to make you buy more than one app since they have started splitting up the games on multiple services. Everyone will get a refund of $5.99.

Locally, on the old Pay and Save lot, a multi-purpose indoor sports complex will be built with a skybridge across Main Street with more amenities on the other vacant lot! Well, that was a big one so I will stop there.

Vandalism … it was sad news about the really expensive tarp getting cut at Tillicum Park, it is surprising the number of people who apparently saw it and didn’t realize to call the city or someone. And more disrespect at Ginger’s Closet/Forks Clothing Bank as they have a free rack outside that someone or multiple someones ransacked and threw items on the ground.

Thank you Juanita

A big thank you to Juanita Weissenfels as she ends her service to our community as a city council member. And now I don’t have to keep miss-typing Weissenfels so often!

It was busy at the Peninsula College parking lot on Friday (photo) with the Reflections Counseling Services and PAHotmeals offering a free lunch. Reflections will begin services in Forks in January.

Christi Baron, Editor