by Lonnie Archibald
The sun Gods were present Wednesday, June 12 as local T-Ballers took to the diamonds to showcase their skills. Three ball fields were used as six West End Youth League teams competed.
Pictured here for now are a portion of four of those teams which were composed of four to six-year-old boys and girls. The crowds of parents, grandmothers and grandfathers, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, and friends and neighbors, sat in lawn chairs to root for their favorite teams.
And what a display it was as some batters hit the hard ball on the first swing while others hit mostly the rubber T. On defense, some actually caught the ball in the mitt while others pounced on the hard-hit grounders in an attempt to keep the ball in the infield. Some runners were running well out of the base path skipping second base in a rush to reach home.
Oh, but this was a learning situation as coaches stood on the field directing these future Spartans. All in all these youngsters gave their all while entertaining their fans here on the diamonds, one evening at Duncan’s Fields. Photos Lonnie Archibald