A look Back …This week in the Forks Forum

This week in 1999 it was reported that Don Young was the new FHS Principal. In Kiddies Playday results Vern Rondeau had won the Pie Eating Contest. Mandy Iotte’s frog took first place in the 9-15 age group at the Frog Jump. The Pay and Save Foods float took 1st place on Commercial Floats in the Grand Parade. In log truck result for the parade, Dennis Johnson Trucking took first place.

Fifty years ago this week the Beaver Hillbillies were back in the 4th parade, later known as Beaver Jack (photo). The schedule for the 4th was on the front page. New officers for the Bogachiel Garden Club had been installed; Ella Paul, Gloria Lindsey, Carma Shaw and Leona Kallman (photo).

In 1952 a big 3-day 4th was being planned. In keeping with some early traditions, when Forks and La Push traded off hosting the 4th celebration one day of activities was planned in La Push; wrestling, water sports, horse races, foot races and more were happening.
