Fernando and Esther of Alicante, Spain spent some honeymoon time in Forks last week. The couple was wed in Spain on Aug. 10, 2024, they first spent time in Canada coming through Port Angeles to the West End to see all the Twilight spots. Dale Wilson and his Twilight Tours made sure they got the grand tour. When asked how they were liking the rain … not so much …Alicante only gets 11.8 inches of rain a YEAR! But they endured because they are Twilight fans. From Forks, the couple will travel on to Las Vegas where they will get married again, and then on to Polynesia where they will once again exchange their vows! Once they leave Bora Bora they will fly to Los Angeles and then back home to Madrid. Thanks to Dale for bringing the newlyweds by the Forks Forum office! Photo Christi Baron