We proudly recognize our exceptional academic scholars from grades 4-10. These bright students have demonstrated remarkable dedication and achievement in their studies, setting astandard of excellence within our school community. Their hard work and perseverance arecommendable, serving as an inspiration to peers and educators alike. We extend our sincerecongratulations to these scholars and look forward to witnessing their continued successthroughout the school year. Each student received a $10 gift card to Bug and Buf’s Espresso, a certificate celebrating their achievement, and an “eye on academics” trophy to honor their success.
Under the direction of Mrs. Jananne Meyer
Grade 4
Sage Huling
Owen McReynolds
Grade 6
Nola McRenolds
Piper McReynolds
Grade 7
Jeremiah McPherson
Grade 8
Mazie Dawkins (not pictured)
Grade 9
Lillyn Shotwell (not pictured)
Mindy Murphy (not pictured)
Under the direction of Mrs. Judi Whitehead
Grade 9
Sofia Martinez
Grade 10
Esmerelda Eufracio-Cruz (not pictured)
Hunter Bennett (not pictured)
R’reonna Williams
Congratulations Students, we are very proud of you!