New roof over old gym

By Joe Smillie

Forum Editor

Workers are nearly finished replacing the roof on the Forks High School’s 1956-vintage gymnasium this summer.

Superintendent Diana Reaume said the repair of the leaky roof is the last major repair funded by the voter-approved 2012-2013 maintenance and operations levy which generated $628,000 a year for the past two years.

 Western Washington Construction from Aberdeen was awarded the contract in March.

 Other repairs made with the 2012-2013 levy have been replacement of the siding on Forks Middle School gymnasium, new pavement for the transportation station; new replacement heat pumps for the elementary school; new replacement heating control panels for portions of FMS, not heated by the bio-mass boiler, and new kitchen equipment.

 In February, voters approved a $628,000 annual levy for 2014-2017.

 Improvements planned with those funds include safety upgrades to crosswalks and sidewalks on South Elderberry Avenue, near the entrance to Forks Elementary School; resurfacing the Spartan Stadium track; putting new drain vents on the Forks Middle School roof; re-roofing Forks Alternative School and the Independent Learning Center Annex; replacing district motor pool vehicles; replacing the middle school freezer and 1970s-era carpeting at Forks Elementary, and purchasing textbooks.