Last Saturday over sixty volunteers from businesses, service groups, Scout troops, the Coast Guard and just people who cared showed up at First Federal for their “assignments” before heading out to the not terribly dirty, but needing some TLC, streets of Forks to spruce things up.
After a safety briefing regarding volunteers wellbeing in case of finding needles, and everyone receiving a stylish orange mesh vest for safety, groups went their separate ways to clean, remove vegetation and eliminate garbage from unsightly areas in town. Volunteers picked up litter, washed windows on vacant buildings, pulled and weed whacked weeds on vacant lots and around buildings, scrubbed downtown flower boxes and planted some, swept sidewalks and removed blackberry vines from several locations and hauled them away.
All those that volunteered were entered in two chances to win a dinner for two at Kalaloch Lodge, winners of dinners for two were Randy McAvoy and Ravae O’Leary. First Federal, which helped fund a large dumpster, also donated a basket of goodies and Rachael Seelye was the winner of the basket. Spruce up Forks was truly a huge success that included volunteers from almost every entity in town.