Book Reading and Signing March 22

Brenda Carlsen will be reading her published book “Wascana’s Amazing Journey” at 10 a.m., Friday, March 22 at the Forks library. Children and adults welcome!

Later in the day from 2-7 p.m. Brenda will be signing and selling books at Forks Outfitters.

“Wascana’s Amazing Journey” is about a Canada Goose whose wing becomes injured while flying south for the winter with his family and friends. What will he do? What happens to Wascana?

An enlightening story for all about friendship, compassion, healing, kindness, empathy, and letting go. Oh yes, and it is really funny too!

This is a story for all those who gaze up to the sky whenever they hear geese and their familiar HONK HONK.