Congregational Church to Resume Worship Service

Dear Community,

On Sunday, June 7 the Forks Congregational Church will resume our 10 a.m. bible study and our 11 a.m. worship service. It has been 9 weeks since we have been able to meet for service and I am excited that we get to come back on Trinity Sunday /Communion Sunday. Things will be conducted a little differently to keep everyone safe.

No Greeters at the door as you come in just get your bulletin and Communion elements and respect the distancing guidelines while you enter the Sanctuary. We have lots of space so I don’t foresee any problems with keeping our distance. The offering will be conducted at the end of the service and you can drop off your offering in the collection plate as you leave.

I want to thank all of the parishioners during these trying times and the patience you have shown. Looking forward to worshiping our Lord and Savior with all of you again this coming Sunday as we let the praising and rejoicing begin.

Pastor Warren Johnson