Easter egg hunt a big success

By Donna Barr

Special to the Forks Forum

The 2013 Easter Egg Hunt started with the annual kid charge at the Clallam Bay School, Saturday, March 30.

Big kids ran all over the parking lot, while smaller ones hunted safely in the sand around the school’s playground jungle gym and other equipment.


It was a beautiful spring day.


Some of the small girls wore fancy Easter dresses, shining with Easter patterns and ribbons.


Prizes, toys and candy gifts, including 480 eggs and 400 plastic gift eggs (32 with “gold” coins), were provided by West End Youth and Community (WEYAC) via United Way. Children quickly filled baskets and headed back to the gift table to exchange special numbered eggs for prizes.


Ten Honor Society students dyed the eggs, with assistance from a few adults. Teacher Diana Leiza’s special education class dyed 17 dozen of the eggs, and want to do more next year.


Standing in the school parking lot, enjoying the bright hot spring sun, John Burdick, of WEYAC, said, “We had to hide all the chocolate because it was melting. One of those kids is going to open an egg and find goo!”


The reporter offered a dime to one of the first-grade girls in exchange for a real egg, for good luck. The little one had already received her prize, and picked out her orange-dyed prize egg. Luck indeed!


Local egg producers should contact the WEYAC, 360-963-2764, to donate eggs for next year.