Geraldine Lee Brickey, age 72, passed away in her home on September 1, 2021. Born on March 27, 1949, Gerry married the late John Eli Brickey on December 1, 1973, the love of her life. Gerry is survived by three sisters, two brothers, her four children, sixteen grandchildren, and eleven great-grandchildren, all of whom she considered her most important treasures.
Gerry loved being surrounded by her family and sharing stories. She was an active member of the VFW and loved playing bingo with her friends. Gerry spent her time crocheting, doing needlepoint, and making blankets for those she loved. These priceless creations have been wrapping her family in love for many years.
Gerry enjoyed participating in activities sponsored by the Cowlitz Indian Tribe. She was a valued elder of the tribe, beading, weaving, and creating drums to pass on the traditions to her family.
Please join her family in a celebration of her life on Saturday, Nov. 13 from 1-6 p.m., at the Forks Elks Lodge, 941 Merchants Road, Forks, WA 98331.