FMS Football

The Forks Middle School entertained the Sequim Timberwolves at Spartan Stadium on Oct. 6. Sequim defeated the Spartans by a 13 to 12 score in overtime. A potential two-point kick in overtime was blocked, giving Sequim the victory. It was a hard-hitting game with plenty of those yellow flags thrown to the artificial turf. There were also a few turnovers which helped dictate the outcome. Forks continues having a great season!

Spartan Karsen Northcut (27) runs behind the blocking of Titus Rowley (85). Also pictured are Kenny Daman (75) and Carlos Soto (45).

Spartan Karsen Northcut (27) runs behind the blocking of Titus Rowley (85). Also pictured are Kenny Daman (75) and Carlos Soto (45).