It’s official … Deckers are new owners of Forks True Value

For Dean Decker, after driving log truck for 13 years, it will be no more getting up at 2 a.m. He now has a 9-5 job, or more like 8-6, but ask anybody that owns their own business it is not really 9-5 or 8-6 but it is not 2 a.m!

Decker said he was looking for something different to do in life and his wife Sarah saw an ad in the Forks Forum listing the Forks True Value for sale. “I first talked to Bob (Stark) and then went to Lunsford’s and talked to Rachel Breed, and I have to say Rachel went above and beyond, getting this deal done,” Decker said, adding, “She had just given birth and two days later she was meeting with me; her dedication was impressive!”

For now Decker said things will remain the same but he hopes to put his own spin on the business. “I am interested in suggestions from customers about things we might carry, ” Decker said. “I still have a lot to learn and Bob is mentoring me for a while.”

Sarah Decker said, “Bob and Pat have been so helpful.” Sarah will be a silent partner, or as she said, “as silent as I can be,” in the business as she will continue her job as a 7th grade English teacher at Forks Junior High. She is also taking additional schooling and working on her masters.

Decker said the hardest part was getting through the banking paperwork.

“We have a great team working here and so customers will still see some of the same faces when they come to shop,” Decker said.

Decker said previous owner Bob Stark is still coming to work and as Decker learns more Bob will one day be able to really retire. So far things are going good, and Decker said what might just be the best part of his new career is maybe … no lake traffic!