Legal Notices

November 3, 2011 issue

City of Forks 2011 Budget




1979 Motorhome

Lic. # 795 TOP

1988 Jeep

Lic. #877 C6W

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

1 p.m.

Viewing 3 hours before sale

Rigby’s Auto Body & Towing

65 West E. Street

Forks, WA 98331

Published Forks Forum, Thursday, November 3, 2011


1999 Toyota 4-Runner

Lic. # 596 ZCR

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

1 p.m.

Viewing 3 hours before sale

Rigby’s Auto Body & Towing

65 West E. Street

Forks, WA 98331

Published Forks Forum, Thursday, November 3, 2011


Call for Issues, Changes, Amendments Pursuant to Forks Municipal Code Chapter 17.115, the City of Forks is hereby soliciting proposed changes and amendments to the Forks Zoning Code – FMC Title 17. Requested changes could include: Applicants wanting to obtain change of zoning designations, or change of existing zoning boundaries; Clarifi cations of existing code language; Additions to the land use matrix (FMC 17.15.060); etc . Proposals can be for property within the City already subject to the Forks Zoning Code, as well as property within the Forks Urban Growth Area where zoning has been proposed and would take place upon annexation of such properties into the City of Forks. Individuals wanting proposals to be considered by the Planning Commission need to submit their proposed zoning amendment request in writing to the City prior to 31 December 2011. If the proponent is requesting a change to a property’s current zoning designation, the application must include a list of the name(s), mailing address(es), and property description of the legal owners of property subject to the requested change. The City may propose modifi cations to the zoning code during this period of time as well addressing interpretation issues, notice requirements, and/or other issues raised over the past year. If time permits, the City may also create a revision of the project list associated with the Capital Facility element of the comprehensive plan. Such a project list would encompass all City owned facilities in a format applicable to potential funding sources. In January, all received requests for amendments will be reviewed by City Staff, as well as reviewed under the State Environmental Policy Act. At its meeting in February 2012, or possibly at a subsequent month, the Forks Planning Commission may hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments. Following that hearing, the Commission would make recommendations on the proposed amendments to the Forks City Council. Any action by the Council would only occur following a properly noted public hearing. If you need information on the zoning code, information on how your property is zoned, or proposed for zoning (outside of the City of Forks but within the Forks Urban Growth Area), or if you have any questions, please contact Mr. Fleck at 360/374-5412, ext. 245; or via e-mail at Individuals wanting to obtain notices of meetings of the Forks Planning Commission and/or City Council regarding the amendments to the Forks Zoning Code can contact Mr. Fleck as well. Published Forks Forum, Thursday, November 3, 2011 






City Council 14 November 2011 (Rescheduled) 7:30 P.M. City Council Chambers The City of Forks has received a 60% Annexation Petition requesting the City Council to annex approximately 158.5 acres owned by Joel Dahlgren, Pete & Cheri Dahlgren, and Fred & Lorraine Pleines, and the Saunders family. The legal description for this annexation request is as follows:

· 132817220150

· 132817220100

· 132817228010

· 132817228020

· 132817220175

· 132817230000

· 132817240050

· 132817240000

· 132817320000

Legal Description The NW 1/4, the SW 1/4, and also the remaining portions of the SE 1/4 currently not within the City limits within the NW 1/4 of Section 17, Township 28 North, Range 13 West, W.M., of Clallam County; And, The NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 17, Township 28 North, Range 13 West, W.M., of Clallam County. Having Tax Id. Parcel Nos.:  Consisting of approximately 158.5 acres. The County’s Boundary Review Board having taken no action on the proposed annexation, the Council would be able to proceed with their taking action on the proposed annexation. The City Council had originally scheduled the public hearing on this proposed annexation for 24 October 2011. However, the Council agreed to reschedule the public hearing in order to allow City staff to affi rm that in fact a parcel that had originally been identifi ed in the County’s parcel database as being owned by the Dahlgren family was actually owned by the Saunder’s family. In conversations with the Saunder’s family representative, it was learned that an error had been made in the database that had misidentifi ed the legal owner of a parcel that was in fact owned by the Saunder’s family. Fred Saunders, representative for the family, affi rmed that there was no opposition for the inclusion of that parcel in the proposed annexation as described in the notices and the legal description associated with this effort. As a result, the rescheduled public hearing on the proposed annexation and the sixty percent petition will occur on 14 November 2011. At the public hearing, the City Council will allow the interested public to voice their opinions about the proposed annexation. Following the hearing the Council may also decide whether or not to annex the property described above via City ordinance. The public is invited to attend and provide public comment. Individuals with questions should contact Rod Fleck, City Attorney/Planner, at 360/374-5412, ext. 245. Individuals requiring special needs in order to participate in the public hearing should contact Mr. Fleck prior to the meeting. Published Forks Forum, Thursday, November 3, 2011 

PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT Cape Flattery School District # 401 Board of Directors will hold a public hearing to discuss Director District Boundaries at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 22, 2011 at the Neah Bay School Library in conjunction with their regular school board meeting. Kandy Ritter, Superintendent Published Forks Forum, Thursday, November 3, 2011 

NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Forks Planning Commission 17 November 2011 6:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 500 East Division Street Forks, WA 98331 Notice is hereby given that the Forks Planning Commission will meet at 6:00 p.m., 17 November 2011 in the Forks City Council Chambers located at City Hall, 500 East Division Street in Forks. The agenda for the meeting is as follows: 1. Approval of the agenda 2. Shoreline Management Plan – Discussions a. Draft Forks Urban Growth Area Vision and Objectives b. “Urban – Low Habitat Impact” – preliminary discussion (Materials on both of these subjects were provided at the September Meeting – Copies will be available at meeting) c. “Urban –Conservation” – possible application on the NOLT property on Elk Creek 10 3. Discussion on Roadway Improvements in Plats with Existing Non-paved Private Roadways and Existing County Roads – For Possible Future Action. 4. Other business of the commission 5. Adjournment Individuals requiring special assistance in order to participate in the hearing should contact Mr. Fleck prior to the meeting. He can be reached at 360/374-5412, ext. 245. Published Forks Forum, November 3, 2011 

PUBLIC HEARING Amending the Forks Zoning Code’s Section 17.75.045 To clarify “professional-based services” Notice is hereby given that the Forks City Council will hold a public hearing, with potential action thereafter, on 28 November 2011 at 7:30 p.m. in the Forks Chambers (500 East Division Street). The purpose of the hearing is as follows: The public will be invited to comment on a recommendation by the Forks Planning Commission in response to an inquiry of the City Planner to amend FMC 17.75.045 in the following manner removing the text stricken below: 17.75.045 Home enterprise within home – Cases when permitted outright. (1) Home enterprises within the home shall be permitted outright, even if other home enterprises may require special or conditional use permits, only in the following situations; provided, that the specifi c conditions found herein are met: (a) Catalog-based sales enterprises that may or may not be associated with hosting parties for purposes of product review and ordering; (b) Internet-based sales, services and/or transactions where no additional employees beyond the regular and usual occupants of the home associated with the enterprise are required to work at the home based business; (c) Art- or craft-based enterprises where there is no separate facility required for the enterprise and no additional employees are required or associated with the home-based enterprise; and (d) Professional-based services where members of the public are not coming to the home enterprise on a regularly scheduled appointment basis for such services and no additional employees are required or associated with the home-based enterprise. This change would clarify that cosmetic services, as well as other professional services, are permitted outright as a home enterprise within the home regardless of the scheduling of appointments for such services. Individuals requiring special assistance in order to participate in the hearing should contact Mr. Fleck prior to the meeting. He can be reached at 360/374-5412, ext. 245. Published Forks Forum, Thursday, November 3, 2011





FORKS, WA 98331

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the proposed budget of the contemplated, fi nancial transactions of PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. 1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON for the year of 2012 has been prepared and is on fi le in the records of the Commission at FORKS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, 530 Bogachiel Way, Forks, as required by law, anci NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a hearing on said budget will be held on TUESDAY, November 22,2011 at the hour of 5:30p.m. at Forks Community Hospital, 530 Bogachiel Way, Forks, at which time any taxpayer may appear and be heard against the whole or any part of said proposed budget and at the conclusion of said hearing the commission will adopt the budget as fi nally determined and fi x the fi nal amount of expenditures for said year. Dated this 3rd day of November, 2011 and 9th day of November, 2011. John Sherrett, Chief Financial Offi cer of Public Hospital District No. 1 of Clallam County, Washington. Published Forks Forum, Thursday, November 3, 2011