May is Military Appreciation Month

As you know, we have troops stationed not only stateside but all over the world, and wherever they are, they are defending us ....



As you know, we have troops stationed not only stateside but all over the world, and wherever they are, they are defending us 24/7/365. America is truly the land of the free, because of the brave.

This is the perfect time for them to hear from those who support them. May is Military Appreciation Month. Those who serve in the Armed Forces are truly heroes and it’s important that we let them know that they are supported from back “home.”

If you would like to participate, please send a supportive, positive message (fewer than 75 words would be appreciated) to me. You can give your full name, or first name only, if you prefer. If you want to include your email address, that is fine, too. Remember, this is NOT a dating service. Any message deemed inappropriate will not be accepted and you will be notified.

I know this is really short notice, ladies and gentlemen, but I know we can do it! Please send your messages of support to the men and women who put their lives on the line for us everyday ASAP to the following email address:

Thank you for your support of our troops!


Carol McGuinn
