This week in 1999 Lloyd George was installing a new downtown clock after the previous one was vandalised beyond repair. Soroptimists had donated $4,500 to Concerned Citizens. The Elks Giving Tree was prepared to give gifts to about 500 children and adults. The SIORF Festival of Trees had raised about $4,000.
Fifty years ago this week Bogachiel Garden Club was sponsoring a Christmas home light display contest. The Forks City Council had approved a new house numbering system. There was a controversy regarding if the new downtown stoplight should allow left turns. A&A Electronics was advertising 25” color TVs for $669.
In 1952 it was reported that manganese mines were being developed near Bear Creek. The Forks City Council was refusing to pay for some expenses incurred by the Town Marshal. So many people showed up for the meeting it had to be moved to the IOOF Hall. The Assembly of God was planning a Christmas Program and the High School Chorus was planning an afternoon of Holiday music.