Clallam Bay and Sekiu welcome Santa

The Clallam Bay Lions Club and Clallam Bay-Sekiu Visitor’s Center co-sponsored Santa’s arrival and tree lighting ceremony in Clallam Bay last Saturday.

Santa, aka Adam Campbell, rode around Clallam Bay and Sekiu on a fire truck and handed out candy canes. He ended at the Clallam Bay-Sekiu Visitor’s Center where he took pictures and everyone enjoyed hot chocolate and cookies.

The tree lighting took place at 4 p.m.

Pictures were taken by Brian Harmon and will be available by Monday, Dec. 11 for pick up. Submitted photos

The Clallam Bay-Sekiu visitor Center is decked out and Santa fans could get a more formal photo.

The Clallam Bay-Sekiu visitor Center is decked out and Santa fans could get a more formal photo.

Santa rides in style with a little blue sky to make the outing most enjoyable.

Santa rides in style with a little blue sky to make the outing most enjoyable.

For some, it is their very first time meeting Santa.

For some, it is their very first time meeting Santa.

Santa and a fireman helper even deliver candy canes to those that couldn’t make it to the Visitor Center.

Santa and a fireman helper even deliver candy canes to those that couldn’t make it to the Visitor Center.