The Fourth of July Far West Art League Show and Sale was held in the Rainforest Arts Center in Forks again this year.
Winners at the Art, Photo, Craft Show
Best in Show: Sol Duc Rivers Light by Mike Zavadlov
First: James in the Mirror by John Leavitt
Second: Morning Has Broken by Berlinda James
Third: Merriman Falls by Martin Konopacki
Honorable Mention: The Window by Mike Zavadlov; Crater Lake Spring by Nora Alwarth; and Crescent Sunrise by John Leavitt
First: Who You Looking At by Jessica Sorensen
Second: Hummingbird by Basim Alwarth
Third: Kit Kat Mountain Dog by Nora Alwarth
Honorable Mention: Always Check Your Pockets by Jessica Sorensen; Ferrel Tom Edis Hook by Nora Alwarth; and Hello There by John Leavitt
Still Life/Abstract
First: Logger Memorial by Martin Konopacki
Second: Little James and Indian Paint Brush by John Leavitt
Third: Anthropomorphic Timber by Martin Konopacki
Honorable Mention: Mothers Day by Berlinda James and Antique Garden by Nora Alwarth
Best In Show: Stars and Stripes Forever by Stacy Braithwaite
Memorial Award: Early Morning at the Office by Stacy Braithwaite
First: Bananas by Flora Finley
Second: Waiting II by Jeanette Gilmore
Third: Winter Birches by Tony Guitierrez
Honorable Mention: Flower at Midnight by Pat Kain; Alaska Falls by Flora Finley; and Quillayute River by Flora Finley
Watercolor/Mixed Media
First: Serenity by Penny Winn
Second: Jesse by Pat Kain
Third: There is a Voice by Pam Hunter
Honorable Mention: Burning View by Penny Winn; Baby by Pat Kain; and China Rockfish by Paul Blake
Junior Art
First: Gerard Way by Caleb Fuhs
Second: Wood’s Snow Cones by Amya Hampton