FCH – You and Your Health


Part 2 of 3

Bogachiel Clinic and Dr. Rebecca Pfaff are happy to introduce an expansion of prenatal care offerings with an ADDITIONAL option and approach to prenatal care. While we will continue to offer the traditional model of prenatal during which you meet individually with Dr. Pfaff throughout your pregnancy, CenteringPregnancy® allows you and a companion or companions of your choosing to attend prenatal visits that are in a comfortable group setting. These appointments provide the time to ask a provider all of your questions, learn more about your health, and share with others who are having similar experiences.

CenteringPregnancy appointments run between 90 minutes and 2 hours. Centering is your healthcare appointment. There is no waiting for your appointment time to start- when you arrive, you will go straight to the Centering room and get started. You will receive all your prenatal appointments as soon as you enroll, you can plan in advance and never have to check out, or schedule a follow-up. You will stay together as a group throughout your pregnancy.

Centering is based on three components; care, education, and support. Each session is designed around these principles. At the start of a CenteringPregnancy session, you will complete your self-care and have an individual assessment and time with your provider. You may complete a “Conversation Starter” in your Centering notebook about a topic you’ll discuss later, enjoy snacks, and chat with other group participants. At the same time, each patient meets with the provider individually. When the group “circles up” together, there is facilitated discussion and activities. There is time to practice skills, such as breathing and relaxing or holding and comforting a baby.

Centering does have facilitated discussions; however, each group is tailored to its participants. Rural parents have some different concerns than suburban and urban parents. Centering allows room for cultural and traditional influences to be a part of the group as women and their companions share what pregnancy, childbirth, and raising children means to them and their families and ancestors. This setting allows for new parents and experienced parents to interact and discuss honestly things that have worked for them with the support of Dr. Pfaff. Everyone benefits from real discussions with your trusted healthcare team and group, instead of relying on advice found on the web. Participants are empowered to share and learn from others in group. We are learning more and more about the benefits of social support and community in protecting pregnant women and babies from unnecessary stress. A special community develops in Centering groups. Participants tell us the group feels like a circle of friends sharing common concerns and the experiences of pregnancy, birth, and parenting. You may find that the relationships developed in your group extend long past the scheduled visits as you create lasting friendships and support systems.

Many patients are interested in Centering but have concerns regarding privacy. At the first group session, each person signs a confidentiality agreement, and it is emphasized that particular concerns should not be discussed outside the group setting. Ground rules are agreed upon and posted in the group space. Each participant makes the decision to share information with the group; no one ever is pressured to disclose personal concerns.

Individual time with your provider will be conducted in a private area of the Centering room. Should you require an exam or have issues that require additional privacy, you will be seen in an exam room outside the Centering appointment.

Our goal is to offer more choices, you are in charge of deciding what is best for you and your family.

If you have questions regarding CenteringPregancy ask Dr. Pfaff at your next appointment or call Bogachiel Medical Clinic at 360-374-6998 and speak with Kami Clagget. In Neah Bay contact Allyson Bowers 360-345-292 or Glenda Butler 360-645-3298 at the Sophie Trettevick Clinic.

General questions can be sent to information@forkshospital.org. Please keep all personal health information private by discussing it directly with your provider.

Next Week – CenteringPregnancy® General Overview and FAQ’s

This article is brought to you by


Bogachiel Clinic

Dr. Rebecca Pfaff, FPOB

Disclaimer: This column is not intended as a diagnosis or recommended treatment of a specific condition. Answers are not a replacement for an individual medical evaluation. Individual health concerns should be evaluated by a licensed clinician.