Forks Middle School Students of the Month for September

5th Grade: Dany Ortiz


Dany’s favorites include the color red, burritos, monkeys, and playing soccer. His favorite subject is PE. Dany likes school because he gets to learn new things. This year his goal is to learn more about math. Teachers noted that Dany has a great work ethic, makes sure to check in after absences, comes in early to make up work, actively participates in class, and is a positive role model for other students. One teacher said, “Dany models responsibility and respect in the classroom daily. When absent, Dany visits his teachers before school to find out the assignments that he has missed and completes the assignments in a timely manner. In class, he is an active participant in class discussions and is unafraid to share even when he is unsure of his thoughts. Dany treats other students with respect and kindness, looking, listening, and responding to other students’ ideas. He works independently on assignments and helps others at his table during group work. He allows his ideas to grow and change, learning from challenges, and exemplifying Growth Mindset in the classroom.”Dany wants to thank his mom for supporting him! Nice work Dany!

6th Grade: Sofia Huling

Sofia also likes school because she gets to learn new things. Her favorite subject this year is math.Her goal for the school year is to get all As and Bs. She likes the color purple, ice cream, butterflies, and painting. Sofia’s teachers say,” Sofia Huling is always responsible and respectful. She is always making sure she checks in for missing work when she misses a day. She listens attentively and asks questions when necessary.” Another teacher noted, “Sofia Huling is a VERY dedicated student. She works hard, asks for help when she is struggling and always turns in her work before the due date. In class she is quiet, respectful and helps others. She is always kind and respectful to all (students and staff) and a wonderful role model to her classmates.”

Sofia would like to thank her mom for always supporting her! Way to go Sofia!

7th Grade: Brooklynn


Brooklynn likes school because her friends are in school. Also because it is a place she can learn things that she does not learn at school or in sports. Her favorites include the colors baby blue and pink, blueberry casserole, dogs, and sports. Her favorite subjects are math and PE. Brooklynn has set a goal of getting on honor roll all 4 quarters this year. One teacher said, “Brooklynn Rondeau has been phenomenal in leadership class. She is always the first to volunteer to help without even knowing what she is going to be asked to do.” Another teacher said, “Brooklynn Rondeau works hard on her schoolwork. She is active in Student Leadership and athletics. She is challenging herself this year by taking an accelerated math class. I can always count on her to do her best and participate in classroom discussions. Brooklynn is very well organized.” She would like to thank her family for supporting her! Keep up the good work Brooklynn!

8th Grade: Kingston Steffen

Kingston likes school because he gets to hang out with his friends. His favorites include the color blue, Mike and Ikes, dogs, and Football. His favorite subject is history. Kingston wants to get a 4.0 all year long this year. One teacher said, “Kingston Steffen consistently demonstrates responsible and respectful behavior. He manages to excel at academics while participating in and excelling in sports as well. He is very polite to teachers and other students. He follows all directions given to him. He asks questions when he needs clarification and is a self-advocate for his own success.” Another teacher said, “Kingston is always respectful, safe, and responsible. He follows directions the first time given, is polite, and treats others with courtesy and respect.” Kingston would like to thank both parents for supporting him! Thanks for doing such a great job Kingston!





