Pastor/chaplain Andy Pursley helps a group of grade school students handle the hose Friday, Sept 18 at the Beaver Fire Hall where these youngsters besides taking a ride on the fire truck learned the ways of fire fighting. Local fire departments are always searching for volunteer firemen. Perhaps Fire District #1 Beaver has found some future recruits. Photos by Lonnie Archibald
The job is no way over after extinguishing the fire as is seen here where hoses need to be drained. Equipment also needs to be cleaned, water tanks reloaded, and more.
Pastor/chaplain Andy Pursley helps a group of grade school students handle the hose Friday, Sept. 18 at the Beaver Fire Hall where these youngsters besides taking a ride on the fire truck learned the ways of fire fighting. Local fire departments are always searching for volunteer firemen. Perhaps Fire District #1 Beaver has found some future recruits. Photos by Lonnie Archibald