Kitten’s Death Highlights Need for Responsible Pet Ownership

On June 11, the Friends of Forks Animals (FOFA) received a distressing call from a concerned individual who discovered a tiny kitten abandoned along Mora Road. The kitten, later named Mora, was taken into foster care by Aleda Adams, who soon realized the severity of Mora’s injuries.

The following day, Dr. Pat examined the kitten and prescribed medication in the hope of alleviating its condition. However, Mora’s health did not improve, and by Friday, Aleda transported the kitten to Dr. Pat’s clinic in Port Angeles for x-rays. An ultrasound later confirmed the worst: Mora’s injuries were extensive and untreatable, necessitating euthanasia.

This heartbreaking incident underscores the cruelty of abandoning animals. Mora deserved better than to be left alone and injured by the roadside. It also highlights a broader issue—irresponsible pet ownership and the dire consequences it can have.

FOFA urges all pet owners to have their animals spayed or neutered to prevent unwanted litters. If you are unable to care for your pets, it is crucial to consider alternatives rather than abandoning them. Dumping animals does not solve the problem; it exacerbates it.

For those needing assistance with spaying or neutering their pets, FOFA offers a helpful program. Simply call 360-374-3332 to schedule an appointment. By doing so, you can be part of the solution rather than the problem.

Shelters and rescues are overwhelmed, and the grim reality is that euthanasia may become more prevalent as a means to address overcrowding. As pet owners, it is your responsibility to ensure your animals receive the care they need, including scheduling necessary medical procedures.

Let’s work together to prevent such tragedies in the future. FOFA has been serving the community since 1989. FOFA is a 501(c)3 non-profit.