Not so quiet …

Last week I wrote about “all quiet on the western front” …this week not so quiet in my office as many people work to get a roof on, gutters … and repair some rotted problems that resulted from drainage issues and hence the sidewalks and parking lot being torn up and replaced. Other than that it was a fun weekend of activities …I love old stuff so I really enjoyed the display of local family heirlooms at the RAC and later in the evening got to play my clarinet for a bit …heard some funny stuff from Pat Neal and everyone got to sing along with Roger and Sally.

For the heirloom display, I took in my grandmother’s Coleman Gas Iron. The Model 609A was produced from 1938-1941. It works sort of like a Coleman stove …except one ironed their clothes with it. It has a little brass pump and a little wire to turn just like a stove. I can’t imagine using it! I bet she was glad when they got electricity on Beaver Hill!

Back to my office …in between getting the paper out today, I am evicting hundreds of spiders who have long resided along and behind all my plants on the East wall. Which I am told has to be replaced. And I think I have a cold.

The pounding is getting to me so I think I am done for today …

Christi Baron, Editor