Traditional Quileute Cedar Basket Weaving Presented by: Cathy Salazar from the Quileute Tribe

ONRC is hosting a Rosmond Evening Talk on Thursday, April 25 at 7 p.m. Join us for a presentation from Cathy Salazar on traditional Quileute cedar basket weaving.

The art and process of making cedar bark baskets for both practical and decorative purposes have evolved over centuries. Cathy Salazar is enrolled in the Quileute Tribe. She has been weaving since 1997. Teachers have included Lillian Pullen, Norma Rodriguez, Sharon Pullen, Lela Mae Morganroth, Marian Schumack and Viola Riebe, although she has been influenced by many other weavers as well.

In this Evening Talk, she will briefly go over historic uses of cedar bark as it pertains to basket weaving, the process and timing of gathering red cedar in the spring, storage, and curing and preparing cedar to begin weaving baskets. Different styles, techniques and types of baskets will be presented along with many hands-on materials. Cedar basket weaving is an important element of the Quileute Tribal culture and is an active, living and evolving traditional resource.

Join us in-person in the Hemlock Forest Room at the Olympic Natural Resources Center at 1455 S. Forks Ave, Forks, WA. Or, listen via Zoom using this link: Attached is a flyer with additional information. If you can’t make it to the talk, you can always watch the recorded presentation later on the ONRC website.

ONRC Rosmond Evening Talks is funded through the Rosmond Family Education Fund, an endowment that honors the contributions of Fred Rosmond and his family to forestry and the Forks community.