PORT ANGELES – Anyone who has lost a loved one, whether recently or further in the past, is welcome to join Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County at its annual Remembrance Ceremony scheduled Saturday, Feb. 8, at 2 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 139 8th St., in Port Angeles.
The event will include the reading of lost loved ones’ names, a candle-lighting ceremony and a group address followed by a gathering with snacks and drinks.
If anyone would like to add a loved one’s name to the list to be read aloud or would like more information, they may email office@vhocc.org or phone 360-452-1511.
Names may also be added upon arrival at the church.
Registration is not required, and candles will be provided.
The Remembrance Ceremony is a part of VHOCC’s Soul Care program.