The Soroptimists of Olympic Rain Forest are continuing to sell engraved bricks that are being used as pavers in the entry of the new high school. These bricks are a great way to honor family members, friends or yourself.
What if you never threw anything away? I know what you are thinking; it would be like those people on the hoarder show. I’m not talking about that extreme where you are living with your garbage in your living room or you cat goes missing in your house somewhere.
The Clallam Bay Sunsets West Co-Op addressed a vital moment in its development at the annual Community Celebration, in the Sekiu Community Center, Sunday, March 16. The celebration began at 1 p.m. and included music, fundraising auction for frigs, product booths and impromptu music jam. An additional dinner, dance and sing-a-long took place.
As I got close to finishing the tiny cabin on my sister’s farm near Corvallis, Oregon, family and common law tensions mounted. My sister and the father of her child were on the war path with one another. That path became a turnpike for hard feelings between everyone. Just a couple days after moving from the hayloft to my new little cabin, my sister asked me to leave.
Don Edward Secor Jr.
Don Edward Secor Jr. was born to Don Secor and Shelby Atkins on March 25, 2014, at the Forks Community Hospital at 9:56 p.m. He weighed 6 pounds, 7.8 ounces.
What is going on in Forks, and the rest of the West End?
The business was started in 1958 by the Sullivans, the original location was at the corner of U.S. Highway 101 and “G” Street, they served donuts and sandwiches. Eventually outgrowing the original location they moved to where they are today and have remodeled several times over the years.
Forks Outfitters … or Thriftyway … or Thriftmart … or The Store, I’m not sure what the official name is anymore. Everyone calls it something different. Anyway, that big store on the south end of town is home to the sweatshirts with the very complex design of “FORKS” written on the front. A few sweatshirts were made to go even a step further and said, “Forks, WA” on the front!
“Spruce Up Forks” on April 12 is a community-wide effort to clean up problem areas in and around the city of Forks. Local clubs, businesses and citizens will be donning their orange vests to pitch in and give Forks some love, by picking up litter, window washing, doing some much needed landscaping and more.
When Forks Chamber of Commerce Director Lissy Andros was summoned to city hall by City of Forks Attorney/planner Rod Fleck a number of weeks ago she said, “I thought I was in trouble,” but what was really happening was the television show “Top Gear America” was calling wanting to film a segment here in the West End.
When Forks Chamber of Commerce Director Lissy Andros was summoned to city hall by City of Forks Attorney/planner Rod Fleck a number of weeks ago she said, “I thought I was in trouble,” but what was really happening was the television show “Top Gear America” was calling wanting to film a segment here in the West End.
When Forks Chamber of Commerce Director Lissy Andros was summoned to city hall by City of Forks Attorney/planner Rod Fleck a number of weeks ago she said, “I thought I was in trouble,” but what was really happening was the television show “Top Gear America” was calling wanting to film a segment here in the West End.
I am the wife of Bill Rusk, PhD, the fisherman who disappeared during a fishing trip on the Bogachiel River on March 21.