Runners and walkers left the Bogachiel Clinic at 9 a.m. Saturday during Dustin Kraft’s senior project sponsored by Forks Community…
Amanda Hull, Sarah Warner, Ann Simpson, Maria Davila, and Beverly Lee share a laugh in the yard at the Forks Abuse Program’s office.
Congress re-opened the federal government last week, meaning an end to access restrictions on the West End’s wild spaces….
Gwyneth I. (Gwen) Genson (1932-2013) Funeral services for longtime Forks cook Gwyneth I. Genson will be at noon Saturday, Oct….
By Zorina Barker, Forum Correspondent Imagine being in the library, sitting in an overstuffed chair by the fireplace, listening…
Fire District 1 of Forks and Beaver along with Forks medics check on occupants of a two-car accident which occurred Saturday at approximately 12:05 p.m. near mile marker 194 on U.S. Highway 101 north of Forks. Clallam County Sheriff’s deputies also responded to the scene with Forks City police and the Washington State Patrol. No injuries were reported from the accident. Photo by Lonnie Archibald
Dan Harvey and Rafael Ojeda tell their stories about the bee nest to Deputy Joe Pursley, Thursday, Oct. 17.
By Duane Miles Even the best laid plans can go awry. This is especially true when that plan is…
Benjamin David Allen Camp was born at 5 p.m. Oct. 3, 2013, in Forks Community Hospital. The son of mother…
The Clallam County auditor’s office mailed out 46,647 ballots to registered voters last week for the Nov. 5 general…
By Zorina Barker, Forum Correspondent The proposed design of the new, $2.1 million Rainforest Arts Center dominated the Forks…
Forest Service certified volunteer Del Sage on his Appy and leading his mule head out to cut fallen trees out of the west end of the loop trail at Littleton Horse Camp.
Life-long Forks-area logger Tom Larkin has come up with his own stimulus package to help the federal government through its shutdown, ready to fall a tree or two to pitch in. Photo by Kacy Irons