A Look Back – This week in the Forks Forum

Ten years ago this week front page photos showed the walls of the Rainforest Arts Center going up (photo).

This week in 1999 Pete Kalama of Queets had taken 1st place in the Quileute Days power canoe races. Pete was driving the Misty Rain, built by Ribs Penn in 1969. The Forks Fly-In had featured some great old planes and also Jack Zaccardo’s Day-Elder truck. Kink and Ted checked it out (photo). The Loop Tavern was having a yard sale.

Fifty years ago this week there had been a rash of vehicle accidents. Forks resident Gale Bolin had graduated from Recruit Training at the Naval Training Center in San Diego (photo). A tug-of-war contest pitted the 4th of July Committee against the “loggers”. Losers ended up in a pond.

This week in 1952 a fire on Elk Creek had destroyed a donkey and rigging of the Sandberg Logging Co. Thanks to the quick response by Carter Warren, Ernie Wittenborn, and Gordon Allen the fire was put out quickly, only burning half of an acre.
