A Look Back …This week in the Forks Forum

Twenty-five years ago this week, as part of their senior project, Lacy Westerlund and Shelly Miglietta had delivered boxes of food to the Forks Food Bank. They had held a “horse games” competition in Port Townsend to raise the funds (photo). There had been two more escapees from OCC. Forks High School was getting a new addition. Highway 101 was closed at Govan Falls from Sept. 13 to Oct. 13, 1999. Diane and Rich Winters were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary.

This week in 1974, a tourist who stopped for gas at Ron’s Gull didn’t realize his family sleeping in the back in a camper had exited to use the restrooms…until he got to Port Angeles to a campground and discovered they were gone! He made a quick trip back to Forks! There had been a murder at Sappho …(editor’s note – not sure if this was ever solved?) In city council news the county had agreed to cover the cost for a year for an FPD dispatcher – $9,500. Residents of Merchant Rd. (not Merchants) were asking the city to consider adding them to the town’s water system.

This week in 1952 the body of Cyrus Maxfield was recovered from Lake Crescent. Maxfield had lost his life in a truck accident in March going off the road near La Poel. He was just 23 years old …at the time of the accident, his body could not be found. The Congregational Church was celebrating its 50th Anniversary with a picnic. The Spartans were opening their football season with Sequim at home …a few of the players were Norm Bagby at tackle, Larry Klahn at guard and Wayne King was playing running back.