This week in 2000 it had snowed (photo) and despite the snow Mindy Pagac and Kyle Hjelmeseth were featured in a photo on the front page of the paper, standing on Forks Avenue promoting the FHS blood drive (photo). The Aquatic Center bond and levy resolutions were going out to the voters. The 5th annual Art on the Hill was coming to the ONRC. Christy Rasmussen and Stephanie Huggins were two of the student displaying their art work at The Student’s Art Show at the Bank of America (photo). Missoula Children’s Theater was preparing to offer Rumpelstiltskin (just like this year). Rachel Harner, age 5, had built a snowman.
This week fifty years ago it was reported that City water supervisor Frank Lyda was requesting a small pickup for reading water meters. He was currently using a dump truck to do the task. It was reported by the Director of NOLS that the Forks library had seen significant increases in circulation. It was reported that someone had broken into the city animal shelter and released all the dogs …
This week in 1953 it was reported that the Hospital Guild was raising money to buy the Olympic Clinic a vacuum cleaner. In area business news Mr and Mrs. Guy Hathaway had purchased the Upper Hoh Store from Mrs. Catherine Morse. Nursing classes had begun at the home of Mrs. Edwin Leibold. Text books for the class were available for purchase at Olympic Pharmacy. The classes were expected to last three months.