A Look Back …This week in the Forks Forum

This week in 2000 it was reported that Kelly Banner was the first Spartan since 1992 to win an individual State Wrestling Championship. FHS was hosting a Health Fair in the PAC. A new trail system was now available for use at the ONRC, a Washington Conservation Corp crew had done the trail work. There were many pro and con letters to the editor regarding the upcoming community pool vote. Art on the Hill at the ONRC had been a success (photos). The Spartan basketball team was the SW League Champions. Coach Scott Justus had cut the net (photo).

This week in 1975 the Forks City Council had appointed Will Slather as the new building inspector. The council had heard concerns that small property crimes were on the rise. A building permit for the new home of Walter Wang had been approved. The cost of building was $30,000 and location Bogachiel Way. It was reported that ONP was going to limit the number of campers allowed into the Flapjack Lake and Lake Constance areas. Environmental damage was the concern. Priscilla Williams had been appointed to the QVSD school board. It was shared that school enrollment was at 1,609 students. In the KVAC top song of the week Black Water had fallen to second place and “Have you ever been mellow” by Olivia Newton-John had taken the number one spot. Lawrence Brager was having an open house for his 65th birthday.

In 1953 an x-ray machine was visiting the West End doing screenings for TB. In one day over 1,000 people had a screening. County nurse Mabel Hanify was in charge of the activity. The body of missing La Push fisherman Frank Jackson had been located. Donald Goldbrand had been appointed as the new Town Marshal.