This week 25 years ago the final vote was in and the measure to build a community pool had passed by two votes. The operation levy for the pool had failed. Radio station owner Al Monroe had solicited a car from Wilder Auto for the upcoming Quillayute Valley Scholarship Auction (photo). Scott Justus was named the Evergreen Division Coach of the Year. Senator Gorton was not happy with the US postal service and its decision to hold the dedication for the Pacific Coast Rain Forest Stamp at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle and not in Forks. Spartan pep band members John, Kaylene and Brett were making some noise at the state tournament in Yakima. The band had accompanied the basketball team.
Fifty years ago this week, a ‘Register to Vote’ drive was being held at Forks City Hall. Peninsula Tel & Tel had held a reception at the Vagabond’s Top of the Rock to welcome five new employees and their spouses. The new employees were Bell, McConnell, Hull, Wasankari, and Medsker. The Forks Lions had donated money to the Hospital Auxiliary for the purchase of a Resusci Annie to help train emergency workers and the public in CPR.
This week in 1953 the owner of Peninsula Telephon,e Jerome Hull, had died, he was 69 years old. The high school junior class had announced the theme for the Junior Prom – Arabian Nights. The State Steelhead Committee had announced that 75,000 steelhead would be planted in the Sol Duc River in March. They would have a clipped fin; this was the first artificial planting of fish in any stream on the Olympic Peninsula. In the Pay and Save ad, I.G.A flour was $1.98 for 25 pounds.