Annual Veteran’s Assembly

The annual FHS Veterans assembly was held last Thursday in the Spartan Gym.

Veterans and others attending were treated to musical numbers, a slide show, as well as speeches and poems presented by students.

The USCG Station Quillayute River was in charge of presenting the colors and QVSD staff member Cherish Varlack sang the National Anthem.

A magnificent new flag was unfurled from the rafters of the Spartan Gym during the Veteran’s Assembly on Thursday afternoon.

A magnificent new flag was unfurled from the rafters of the Spartan Gym during the Veteran’s Assembly on Thursday afternoon.

Veterans and all in attendance look on and applaud the new flag. Center right, at the podium, American Legion Commander Bubba Bolin went on to present a certificate of appreciation to the school from the Post for the installation of the new flag.

Veterans and all in attendance look on and applaud the new flag. Center right, at the podium, American Legion Commander Bubba Bolin went on to present a certificate of appreciation to the school from the Post for the installation of the new flag.

Sky Hestand was one of several students who offered readings, poetry, and heartfelt thanks to our Veterans.

Sky Hestand was one of several students who offered readings, poetry, and heartfelt thanks to our Veterans.