Arrests made in home invasion

Public meeting on crime prevention planned

The Forks Police Department has a suspect in custoday, and are on the trail of two more suspects, all sought in an investigation into a blatant home invasion in Forks.

Forks Police Department administrative advisor Rick Bart told the Forks Forum that 13 out of 14 guns taken in the home invasion have been recovered, and that leads into other burglaries, including one at Clallam Bay, were turned up and linked to the suspect.

Bart said drug use by the suspects during the crimes is likely.

He said the additional suspects are likely laying low due to the pressure being put on them by local law enforcement.

Changes in personnel at the Forks Police Department have also taken place.

Bart announced the hiring of two new active-duty Forks Police Department officers, and the recruitment of one new candidate who will be training in Forks prior to attending police academy this fall.

The new officers are: Julie Good, who is from the Bremerton area, who has served as a tribal officer and animal control officer; Don Ponton, a veteran rural Utah town deputy sheriff; and Jami Suedel from Bellingham, who begins police academy  training in September.

In addition, former Forks Police Department Officer Gene Hoagland, who announced his resignation in June to the Forks City Council, was scheduled to be sworn in as a Clallam County Sheriff’s Office Deputy on Wednesday morning, Aug. 1.

A public meeting is being organized by Bart and community watch organizers in Forks for the near future, likely at the Forks Lions Club. Watch and the Forks Forum for updates on the public meeting.

Another wave of crime was suffered by the Quillayute Valley School District. During recent repavement of the bus lot for the school district, school buses were parked at Forks Elementary School. QVSD Superintendent Diana Reaume confirmed to the Forks Forum that vandals had slashed gas lines and stolen gasoline from bus tanks, as well as vandalized the interiors of buses.