Due to massive movement, the Bogachiel River has removed two segments of the Bogachiel Rain Forest Trail, ten miles south of Forks. The damage is located approximately between mileposts 1 and 1.5, including the downstream loss of approximately 300 feet of trail and the upper loss of about 50 feet.
The trail is currently inaccessible to stock. Hikers and fishermen should use extreme caution and avoid using parts of the remaining trail that is currently right next to the river, due to undercutting. “With the help of partners we expect to have the trail rerouted soon. We know it is important access as day-use for hikers and fishermen as well as those journeying into and out of the Park,” said District Ranger Dean Millett.
For more current information, contact the Pacific Ranger District at (360)374-6522 or visit www.fs.fed.us/r6/olympic.