Border Patrol agent speaks to Forks Chamber

Details history of Border Patrol on Olympic Peninsula

Border Patrol agent

Chris Cook – Forks Forum photo

Border Patrol Agent Rafael Cano – who is the Field Operations Supervisor, Port Angeles Station, Blaine Sector for the Border Patrol – provided an interesting history of the Border Patrol both on the West End and in Port Angeles, as well as nationwide, addressed the Forks Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, April 11. The talk was held at noontime at JT’s Sweet Stuffs and also focused on the mission of the Border Patrol, and the National Strategic Plan of the federal agency. Cano said in the mid-1920s the Border Patrol had a sub-detachment located in Forks at a time when some Border Patrol agents rode on horseback. Here Cano is pictured receiving a Forks Chamber certificate and a gift photo book from Jim Bennett.