Casting lines …Making memories

With favorable springtime weather, the 71st annual West End Sportsmen’s Club Kid’s Fishing Day unfolded with joyous fervor on a “tranquil” Sunday morning at the Bogachiel Rearing Ponds.

Many eager youngsters and their beaming parents immersed themselves in this cherished tradition, spanning decades of community spirit and outdoor camaraderie.

This activity is made possible thanks to its many volunteers, community donations, and financial support from the Lloyd J. Allen Charitable Trust Fund.

Photos by Lonnie Archibald

Gabby Salsgiver age 6 was happy as she reeled in her fish.

Gabby Salsgiver age 6 was happy as she reeled in her fish.

Mallie Daniels looks happy with her large trout.

Mallie Daniels looks happy with her large trout.

Volunteer Isabella Hayworth passes out hot dogs to one of the many Kid’s Fishing Day attendees who stopped by the Elks Food Booth for their hot chocolate, hot dogs, and more on Sunday morning.

Volunteer Isabella Hayworth passes out hot dogs to one of the many Kid’s Fishing Day attendees who stopped by the Elks Food Booth for their hot chocolate, hot dogs, and more on Sunday morning.


Volunteer Isabella Hayworth passes out hot dogs to one of the many Kid’s Fishing Day attendees who stopped by the Elks Food Booth for their hot chocolate, hot dogs, and more on Sunday morning.