Changing of the guard at Forks City Hall

Pederson, Morris, Leinan now retired

Retirement Day

Shannon Allen – Forks Forum photo

Tuesday, Jan. 31 was a big day at Forks City Hall for retirees Dan Leinan, Cindy Pederson (front left) and Vivian Morris (front right). Here they are pictured with Christi Baron (back row left), who will replace Pederson as an administrative assistant, and Valerie Russell, who is taking Morris’ place as deputy clerk. The incoming and outgoing crew at City Hall marked the day by barbecuing omelets outside the building for a fun breakfast. Leinan, the former City of Forks treasurer/city clerk retired in mid-January after 30 years with the city. A replacement for Leinan is being sought. 

January was a landmark month for the City of Forks with three key employees retiring.

City of Forks Treasurer/Clerk Dan Leinan left his position after 30 years with the city in mid-January.

At the front desk in City Hall former Administrative Assistant Cindy Pederson, a familiar face to the public who come to do business at City Hall, has trained, and is being replaced by, Christi Baron.

New Deputy City Clerk Valerie Russell is stepping in to to replace retiree Vivian Morris.

Mayor Bryon Monohon called his former staff members, “a great group of people, they’ve really given their all for the city, it’s been a pleasure to work with them.”

Monohon said Baron and Russell have been in training for about six weeks, working alongside Pederson and Morris to prepare for the changeover.

Morris and Pederson said they are both planning  to travel “to where the sun is shining!..but will always come home to lovely Forks.”

They’re both looking forward to spending time with their grandchildren. Vivian is planning to do volunteer work in the community.

Both said  they are planning to  enjoy a little of the freedom that comes from not working 9 to 5. The time is well deserved following their committed service to the City of Forks, Pederson with 17 years and Morris 28 years.