Clallam commissioners proclaim Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

PORT ANGELES — The Clallam County commissioners proclaimed March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month at a March 3 meeting in Port Angeles.

The commissioners hope to raise awareness and foster inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all areas of the community and to improve awareness that people with developmental disabilities continue to face barriers connecting with the community.

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month highlights three areas of daily life: education, employment and community living.

For more information, call Clallam County Health and Human Services at 360-417-2407.

Pictured in the front is Riley O’Neil; in the second row is Grayson Hicks; in the third row, from left, Shawnda Hicks, Kelley Lawrence and Tony Andrus; and in the fourth row, from left, Patrick McFarland, Virginia O’Neil and Karen Pierce.