3/09/15 1641 250 Ash Ave, False Alarm
3/11/15 0203 1301 Calawah Way, Smoke detector malfunction
3/11/15 1551 161 Fir Ave, Chimney fire, no damage
3/13/15 1908 Valley View Dr, MVA/assist
3/14/15 1906 370 Cedar Ave, Structure fire, structure saved (with damage)
3/15/15 0253 370 Cedar Ave, Re-ignition, arson suspected
3/21/15 0153 Calawah Way, Motor vehicle accident assist
3/22/15 1558 1455 S Forks Ave, Assist local law enforcement on rescue
3/26/15 2109 401 Minnie Peterson Rd, Chimney Fire
3/26/15 2221 287 Founders Way, False alarm
3/28/15 1605 1750 Calawah Way, Building fire, significant damage
4/02/15 1012 3250 Upper Hoh Rd, mutual aid, motor vehicle accident assist – canceled
4/02/15 1905 850 Brower St, Controlled burn
4/06/15 0312 490 N Forks Ave, Propane gas leak
The Forks Volunteer Fire Department meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays and is seeking new members. For more information or questions, call Chief Bill Paul at 374-5671. The Fire Department is seeing more calls for help from the ambulance crew, which also is having volunteer shortages.