Clallam County West End election results

Rohrer wins superior court seat

The first read out of Clallam County Election’s Office results had Rohrer handily defeating his opponent Chris Melly in the race for a vacant Clallam County Superior Court Judge Position 1 seat. The first tally in the county-wide election had Rohrer with 12,210 votes (56.13%) vs. Melly with 9,544 votes (43.87%).

There are still approximately 6000 votes left to count, with the first print out covering the bulk of votes from Clallam County in the election, a total of 26,870.

Incumbent Clallam County Commissioner Mike Chapman was also reelected in the general election.

Presidential election

Voters in the Forks-Beaver-Bogachiel precincts favored Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney over re-elected President Barack Obama by a count of 596-391 in the first print out. In Clallam Bay, Romney just edged Obama. Voters at La Push chose Obama over Romney, 81-76, and at Neah Bay the President found overwhelming support, 221-40.


Governor’s race

Countywide, the first printout showed Clallam County voter favored Republican Rob McKenna 13,888 to Democrat statewide winner Jay Inslee, 12,373


Legislative races

Countywide, incumbent State Sen. Jim Hargrove (D) from Hoquiam received 15,460 votes in Clallam County to be reelected. His challenger Larry Carter (I) received 9,423 votes.


Incumbent State Rep. Kevin Van De Wege (D) of Sequim was reelected with 15,067 votes coming from Clallam County vs. unafiliated challenger Craig Duncan,9,737.


State Rep. Steve Tharinger (D) from Sequim was reelected and in Clallam County received 13,746 votes vs. Steve Gale (R), also from Sequim, with 11,806 votes.


For complete Clallam County election tallies including precinct-by-precinct tallies go to