Community Announcements

American Legion Announcements

The time has come to get those applications in for the American Legion Post 106 Scholarship. We are past the deadline but still receiving applications so hurry and get yours in!

They are here! Yes, the Rifle Raffle tickets have arrived and the guys from the post are eager to sell them to you. Take a look at the flyer and if you want to see the real deal it’s on display over at the True Value store. So, find a vet and get your chance to win this beautiful rifle.

Self-Guided Garden Walks at Fifth Street Community Garden in Port Angeles

Do you find it difficult to learn about vegetable gardening from books and lectures? Are you tired of sitting at your computer searching for gardening information when you want to be in the garden? Come learn at the 5th Street Community Garden in Port Angeles.

Due to continued COVID-19 restrictions, WSU Clallam County Master Gardeners are implementing self-guided tours to teach local gardeners about vegetable gardening on the North Olympic Peninsula. These tours are in lieu of monthly garden walks provided in the past.

As with the garden walks, tours will focus on what is happening (or should be happening) in the vegetable garden each month and will highlight

• What vegetables grow well in our climate,

• What needs to be done in the vegetable garden, and

• What control measures exists for common pests and diseases.

Tours start Saturday, April 10, and will continue through September or until mandated restrictions are lifted. New topics will be determined every month and identified by the second Saturday of the month. Poles flagging focal points and tour sheets will be available for two weeks.

How will it work? Up to 10 topics about vegetable gardening will be identified by poles and coordinating numbers. Visitors are invited to pick up a tour sheet, locate the numerals and test their gardening knowledge.

Because the garden is everchanging, it is possible that identified problems will be resolved before the tour is taken.

The Fifth Street Community Garden is located at 328 E. Fifth Street in Port Angeles just off Peabody, right across from City Hall. The garden includes over 50 individual 9×12-foot plots that are rented by community members.

You may visit during daylight hours. All visitors are asked not to sample any fruit and vegetables without permission form the renters. COVID-19 protocols, including social distancing and wearing masks, are encouraged while visiting the garden.

Two picnic tables are available, so bring a picnic and enjoy the everchanging landscape. The garden has no bathroom facilities or garbage pickup. Please take your trash with you. The garden is not wheel-chair accessible.

For more information about the self-guided garden tours call 360-565-2679.

Email Scam Warning

The North Olympic Library System (NOLS) has been made aware of several instances of local residents receiving emails incorrectly stating a person owes money to the Library. These emails are SPAM and no one should click on the links provided within them, or reply to the sender. These emails were phishing attacks and not associated with NOLS in any way.

If you receive a notice from the Library, here are a few things to consider:

• Email notices from NOLS are sent from

• NOLS only charges for lost or damaged items. In those cases, bills are sent in the mail. NOLS does not charge overdue fines.

• If you need to pay a library fee online, visit directly and log in to your account.

• If you have questions about fees on your account, email or call your local branch.

For more help with your NOLS account, visit your local NOLS branch, call 360.417.8500, or email

Presentation on Gardening for

Newcomer’s to Olympic Peninsula

On Saturday, April 10, Master Gardener Margery Whites will teach a class for newcomers to the North Olympic Peninsula about gardening success in this area. The class will take place from 10:30 a.m. – noon on Zoom.

New residents to the area may face gardening and landscaping challenges in the unique climate of the Pacific Northwest. To address these challenges, Whites will cover 4 different subject areas, including choosing appropriate plants for a homeowner’s property based on their specific microclimate; basic landscape planning that will help homeowners grow and maintain a sustainable garden; and problem-solving techniques to address problems brought on by our wet winters and dry summers. Finally, Margery will offer tools to find appropriate information and resources for additional gardening information.

Join Margery Whites’ Zoom presentation Saturday, April 10, from 10:30 a.m. to noon by computer or by phone. Go to: and select the crimson button, front and center, to find the Zoom link. Or call: (253) 215-8782; Meeting ID: 947 0105 8398; Passcode: 390942.

Whites is a retired professor from St. Cloud State University in Minnesota. She moved to the area five years ago with her husband and experienced many challenges while trying to garden in this unique climate. She is excited to share what she has learned to make gardening for newcomers a successful and rewarding experience.

This workshop is part of the Digging Deeper Webinar Series, which has taken the place of the regular in-person “Saturdays in the Woodcock Garden” workshops while the COVID-19 pandemic keeps people apart. The series is sponsored by WSU Clallam County Master Gardeners. Live streaming presentations are available from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 pm on selected Saturdays through October. These webinars provide home gardeners with education on research-based sustainable garden practices in Clallam County. For questions, call 360-565-2679.

Peninsula College Foundation Extends

Deadline for Scholarship Applications

The Peninsula College Foundation has extended its application deadline for dozens of scholarships, totaling over $100,000, for students attending Peninsula College in 2021-2022. The new deadline is May 9, 2021 for non-nursing program scholarships.

Typical awards are $1,000.00 or more for a variety of educational programs, with several full-tuition scholarships available. Graduating high school seniors and returning PC students are encouraged to apply, as are returning or first-time adult students.

“The exceptional programs at Peninsula College are a great value, and we can help alleviate the financial stress students may feel as they pursue their education,” said Foundation Executive Director Getta Workman.

Other Washington colleges have extended their scholarship deadline because of fewer applicants than normal, Workman noted and said the pandemic is having a profound impact on students and families in the community.

To apply for Peninsula College Foundation scholarships, follow these steps:

• Visit

• Create a login and a personal profile or update existing profile.

• Enter “Peninsula College” in the search toolbar to review the list of all available scholarships for the 2021-2022 school year.

• Apply! There is no fee and no limit to the number of scholarships that an individual can apply for, as long as the criteria for the scholarship is met.

Students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, as many scholarships require letters of recommendation, personal essays, and unofficial transcripts. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.

Award notifications for general scholarships will be provided to applicants beginning June 7. Nursing scholarship applications are due July 18, and awardees will be notified beginning July 26.

For more information about the scholarship process, please visit, or contact the Peninsula College Foundation at 360-417-6246, email