Congressional candidate Bill Driscoll holding town hall in Forks

Tuesday, July 23 at JT's Sweet Stuffs

Congressional candidate, Bill Driscoll, will be holding a town hall meeting in Forks on Tuesday, July 24 at 10 AM at JT’s Sweet Stuffs located at 80 N. Forks Ave.

"I announced my campaign for Congress two and a half months ago and the response to my message of reviving the local economy has been overwhelming," said Driscoll in a press release. "I am taking my message to all corners of the district and look forward to listening to the people."


Driscoll’s press release says he has a background in the forest products industry gives him an understanding of the issues facing communities like Forks. 

"A much reduced timber harvest and the threat of the Wild Olympics proposal continue to be major concerns," he says. Driscoll advocates increasing timber harvest levels in the Olympic National Forest.

Driscoll continued, "If you compare the harvest from federal lands to state lands you can see just how badly we need change in Congress.  The state Public Lands Commissioner was the choice of the Seattle environmentalists, and yet even he has allowed substantially greater harvests from state lands than we currently are allowed from federal lands.


"The fastest and surest way to achieve significant job growth in the short term is through revitalizing our forest products industry.  Rebuilding this industry will, in turn, create a foundation for developing a broader based economy.  We can do this and do it quickly," concluded Driscoll.

The public is invited to attend this town hall and are encouraged to RSVP by calling the campaign office at 360-266-5571.