Council reviewing code

By Zorina Barker, Forum Correspondent


The Forks City Council is reviewing parts of the city code. During its last meeting Monday night, Sept. 9, Chapter 9 was examined.


City Attorney/Planner Rod Fleck said the code was written in 1976, almost as a disclaimer. He has it on his “list” to rewrite it.


Some chapters will have to be rewritten since the initiative relating to marijuana was passed, Fleck said. Others are simply not being enforced.


Much of that, he said, was due to confused interpretations of the code, for instance “Is a slug an animal?” “Whose car can a person sleep in?”


Councilman Kevin Hinchen inquired about city policy for roadside memorials.


Fleck responded that as long as it was out of the right-of way, it was up to the property owner to grant a license.


Hinchen also brought up a four-way stop on Robinhood Loop that was changed to yields. Dave Zellar, city public works director, said tree limbs could and should be removed to open up the visibility.


Rick Bart, police administrator, expressed gratitude to Danny Wahlgren for fixing the jailhouse doors after a power surge Sept. 6 unlocked all the doors.


The jail is full, Bart reported, and is only admitting people for serious crimes.


Bart also is looking forward to the quarterly Officers Shoot because the department has opted for a little friendly competition among the officers. There will be a small course including three different weapons. Forks Outfitters will donate $250 in gifts to the winner.